[ FOTO ] Red Crab Migration

 At the beginning of the wet season (usually October / November), most adult red crabs suddenly begin a spectacular migration from the forest to the coast to breed. Breeding is usually synchronized island-wide. The rains provide moist overcast conditions for crabs to make their long and difficult journey to the sea. 

 During peak migration times, sections of roads where crabs cross in high numbers may be closed to vehicles for short periods of time. You can park your vehicle and carefully walk amongst the moving sea of crabs as they relentlessly make their way to and from the shore.
 The easiest places to watch the crab migration and the females spawn are at Drumsite, Flying Fish Cove, Ethel Beach and Greta Beach.
 Updates on public notice boards and local radio give crab movements during the migration.
The annual breeding migration.
 While the rains provide the moist preconditions for the march to begin, the timing of the migration breeding sequence is also linked to the phases of the moon. Eggs are released by the female red crabs into the sea precisely at the turn of the high tide during the last lunar quarter.
 The sea level at the base of the cliffs and on the beaches, where the females release their eggs, at this time varies the least for a longer period, and it is therefore safer for the females approaching the water's edge to release their eggs. Sometimes there are earlier and later migrations of smaller numbers of crabs but all migrations retain this same lunar rhythm.
 Males lead the first wave of the downward migration and are joined by females as they progress. Larger males arrive at the sea first (after about five to seven days) but are soon outnumbered by females. The crabs replenish moisture by dipping in the sea.The males then retreat to the lower terraces to dig burrows. The density of burrows is high (one to two per square metre) and males fight each other for burrow possession. The females move to the terraces and mating occurs. After mating, males dip again and begin returning inland.
The females produce eggs within three days of mating and remain in the moist burrows on the terraces for 12-13 days while they develop. The eggs are held in a brood pouch between their extended abdomen and thorax. A single female can brood up to 100,000 eggs. In the morning and late afternoon around the last quarter of the moon, the egg-laden females descend from the terraces to the shoreline. They pack into shaded areas above the waterline, in densities of up to 100 per square metre in some places. The females usually release their eggs into the sea toward dawn, around the turn of the high tide. Release of eggs may occur on five or six consecutive nights during the main breeding migration.
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ALMA - " explicatie " a substantivului

Alma se poate referi la:


Bătălia de la Alma , 1854, bătălia de la Războiul Crimeii.


mass-media de imprimare :Alma (roman) , un roman din 1922 semnat Oswald de Andrade ; Alma , o drama de Joshua Sobol despre Alma Mahler-Werfel ; Alma Cogan (roman) , un roman 1991 de către Gordon Burn,;ALMA Magazine , revista de limba spaniolă pentru comunitatea hispanica din SUA , Alma, Astrid Lindgren -Premiul Memorial , iar in mass-media vizuală : ALMA Awards , premii SUA pentru artiştii interpreţi sau executanţi Latine,Alma, jocuri video Ninja Gaiden, Alma Geri , un personaj din telenovela Coronation Street, Alma Hodge , personaj din telenovela Desperate Housewives, Alma Wade , un antagonist de la jocul FEAR ,Alma Pater , o piesă Yellowchair .


§ Almas (criptozoologie) , un nume mongol pentru omul sălbatic (singular), o specie cryptozoological

§ Alma-0 , un limbaj de programare

§ Tropical Storm Alma , nume de ciclon tropical

§ Un nume pentru măr sălbatic, malus sieversii , din Kazahstan .

§ Atacama Large Array milimetrice


§ Alma College , un privat, colegiu de arte liberale în Alma, Michigan

§ Alma College (St Thomas) , colegiu de arte liberale în Canada

§ Alma Mater , un termen de mediul academic


§ Alma , o parte din Cartea lui Mormon

§ Alma cel Bătrân , în Carti de Mosiah si Alma, o parte din Cartea lui Mormon

§ Alma cel Tânăr , fiul lui Alma cel Bătrân, în Cartea lui Mormon


§ Alma (1891) , un clădire ,acum conservata ,în San Francisco, California

§ Alma (auto ) , o inter-război francez-german pe piata de automobile

§ Alma aburi Motors , un automobil cu aburi american construit în 1938

§ ALMA de Mexico (Alma Aerolíneas Mesoamericanas), o companie aeriană cu sediul în mexican Guadalajara, Mexic


§ Mare Atacama Milimetri Array , o serie de telescoape radio din Chile

§ Asociaţia Difuzor Manufacturing & Acustică International , o organizaţie profesională

§ Adoptati "Libertatea de circulaţie Asociaţia AKA Societatea Alma, grup de sprijin

§ Arnaud Legoux o medie mobilă inspirat de filtru gaussiană



§ Alma, Victoria , un oraş minier în Victoria, Australia

§ Port Alma, Queensland , un port australian în Queensland


§ Alma, New Brunswick , un sat de pescari în Golful Fundy

§ Alma, Nova Scotia , un mic sat

§ Alma, Ontario , un mic sat

§ Alma, Quebec , un oraş

§ Lacul Alma, Saskatchewan , un sat


§ Alma Bridge , un pod dedicat Bătălia de la Alma din Paris, Franţa

§ Râul Alma (Ucraina) , site-ul de 1854 Bătălia de la Alma în Războiul Crimeii

§ Piaţa Alma, Scarborough, North Yorkshire , Anglia


§ Alma, Israel , Galileea


§ Almaty , cunoscută anterior ca "Alma-Ata".


§ Alma, Liban

Noua Zeelandă

§ Râul Alma, Noua Zeelandă

§ Alma, Noua Zeelandă , o localitate mică


§ Alma, Palestina , un sat depopulat în 1948


§ Alma, Sibiu , o localitate în judeţul Sibiu

Africa de Sud

§ Alma, Limpopo , un sat din provincia Limpopo din Africa de Sud

Statele Unite ale Americii

§ Alma, Alabama

§ Alma, Arkansas

§ Alma, California , un oraş-fantomă din Santa Clara, California

§ Alma, Colorado

§ Alma, Georgia

§ Alma, Illinois

§ Alma, Kansas

§ Alma, Louisiana

§ Alma, Michigan

§ Alma, Missouri

§ Alma, Nebraska

§ Alma, New Mexico

§ Alma, New York

§ Alma, Texas

§ Alma, Wisconsin , un oraş în Buffalo

§ Alma, Buffalo County, Wisconsin , un oraş în Buffalo

§ Alma, Jackson County, Wisconsin , un oraş în Jackson County

§ Alma Center, Wisconsin , un sat în Jackson County

§ Alma Cogan (1932-1966), cântăreaţă pop britanic din anii 1950 şi '60

§ Alma Guillermoprieto (n. 1949), jurnalist mexican

§ Alma Mahler-Werfel (1879-1964), soţia lui Gustav Mahler, Walter Gropius, Franz Werfel şi obiectul unui cântec de Tom Lehrer

§ Alma Martinez (n. 1981), fotbalist Mexican de sex feminin

§ Alma Moodie (1898-1943), violonist australian

§ Alma Reville (1899-1982), soţia lui Alfred Hitchcock, director adjunct, scenarist şi editor

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