[ FOTO ] Noddy - The World's Tallest Horse

Luscombe Nodram (Noddy)- The worlds Tallest horse. Luscombe Nodram (Noddy) is coming back home to QLD for a special appearance at the Clydesdale and Heavy Horse Field Days at Gatton on May 1 & 2. After being away for 6 years. Noddy will be coming back to QLD to take part in Australias largest and most prestigious heavy horse show. After leaving home as a 15 hand weanling, Noddy returns as a 20.2 hand horse. Come and see him and say hello.

Yahoo, big news Noddy is coming home. Noddy will be back in QLD for a little while when he is a special guest at the Gatton heavy Horse Field Days show in May. Noddy will return to his birthplace for this once in a lifetime appearance. After spending his time at the Royal Easter Show (for its duration), Noddy will make his way to QLD. Luscombe Nodram started life just like all of our other foals. He was a normal height when he was born and a normal height as a weanling. That is where Noddy stops being normal. He just kept growing and growing. Now Nodram stands 20.2 hands. Nodram was bred and born at the Shires of Luscombe in Queenlsand. His sire is the grey Shire Stallion, Luscombe Whats Wanted “Ted” and his dam is the black Shire Mare, Cedars Annabella “Annabella”. Both of these horses stand 18 hands. Nodram’s Great Great Grandsire Ladbrook Invader, was also tall. In 1981 he was in the Guiness Book of World Records as the tallest living horse, standing 19.2 hands.

Nodram is the tallest horse in Australia , he is the tallest horse in the world. He is a purebred shire gelding and is now owned by Jane Greenman of Victoria . He is broken to saddle and harness.

Noddy will also be spending 14 days as a special guest at the Royal Easter Show in Sydney. He will be on display during show time and his owner Jane will be on hand to answer questions and tell you about this wonderful horse.
Nodram was the normal size of any foal born here at the Shires of Luscombe. He left home as a 6 month old weanling to go and live with Jane. He was 15 hands, the usual size for our weanlings. Jane however was not expecitng such a big 'foal', even though she wanted a Shire that was grey and that would grow to be a big horse. Little did she know she would end up with the Worlds Tallest Horse.
Nodram and his half brother Luscombe Grey Spark are the only two grey shire geldings in Australia . Nodram has been a special guest at Equitane in the past as well as making many other appearances in Victoria. He is already the star of TV shows, magazines and newspaper clippings.

Nodram enjoys spending his days with famous Thoroughbreds; he is acquainted with some of the top racing horses in Australia . Though one of his mates on the farm is another rare horse, a Suffolk Punch named Nash.
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ALMA - " explicatie " a substantivului

Alma se poate referi la:


Bătălia de la Alma , 1854, bătălia de la Războiul Crimeii.


mass-media de imprimare :Alma (roman) , un roman din 1922 semnat Oswald de Andrade ; Alma , o drama de Joshua Sobol despre Alma Mahler-Werfel ; Alma Cogan (roman) , un roman 1991 de către Gordon Burn,;ALMA Magazine , revista de limba spaniolă pentru comunitatea hispanica din SUA , Alma, Astrid Lindgren -Premiul Memorial , iar in mass-media vizuală : ALMA Awards , premii SUA pentru artiştii interpreţi sau executanţi Latine,Alma, jocuri video Ninja Gaiden, Alma Geri , un personaj din telenovela Coronation Street, Alma Hodge , personaj din telenovela Desperate Housewives, Alma Wade , un antagonist de la jocul FEAR ,Alma Pater , o piesă Yellowchair .


§ Almas (criptozoologie) , un nume mongol pentru omul sălbatic (singular), o specie cryptozoological

§ Alma-0 , un limbaj de programare

§ Tropical Storm Alma , nume de ciclon tropical

§ Un nume pentru măr sălbatic, malus sieversii , din Kazahstan .

§ Atacama Large Array milimetrice


§ Alma College , un privat, colegiu de arte liberale în Alma, Michigan

§ Alma College (St Thomas) , colegiu de arte liberale în Canada

§ Alma Mater , un termen de mediul academic


§ Alma , o parte din Cartea lui Mormon

§ Alma cel Bătrân , în Carti de Mosiah si Alma, o parte din Cartea lui Mormon

§ Alma cel Tânăr , fiul lui Alma cel Bătrân, în Cartea lui Mormon


§ Alma (1891) , un clădire ,acum conservata ,în San Francisco, California

§ Alma (auto ) , o inter-război francez-german pe piata de automobile

§ Alma aburi Motors , un automobil cu aburi american construit în 1938

§ ALMA de Mexico (Alma Aerolíneas Mesoamericanas), o companie aeriană cu sediul în mexican Guadalajara, Mexic


§ Mare Atacama Milimetri Array , o serie de telescoape radio din Chile

§ Asociaţia Difuzor Manufacturing & Acustică International , o organizaţie profesională

§ Adoptati "Libertatea de circulaţie Asociaţia AKA Societatea Alma, grup de sprijin

§ Arnaud Legoux o medie mobilă inspirat de filtru gaussiană



§ Alma, Victoria , un oraş minier în Victoria, Australia

§ Port Alma, Queensland , un port australian în Queensland


§ Alma, New Brunswick , un sat de pescari în Golful Fundy

§ Alma, Nova Scotia , un mic sat

§ Alma, Ontario , un mic sat

§ Alma, Quebec , un oraş

§ Lacul Alma, Saskatchewan , un sat


§ Alma Bridge , un pod dedicat Bătălia de la Alma din Paris, Franţa

§ Râul Alma (Ucraina) , site-ul de 1854 Bătălia de la Alma în Războiul Crimeii

§ Piaţa Alma, Scarborough, North Yorkshire , Anglia


§ Alma, Israel , Galileea


§ Almaty , cunoscută anterior ca "Alma-Ata".


§ Alma, Liban

Noua Zeelandă

§ Râul Alma, Noua Zeelandă

§ Alma, Noua Zeelandă , o localitate mică


§ Alma, Palestina , un sat depopulat în 1948


§ Alma, Sibiu , o localitate în judeţul Sibiu

Africa de Sud

§ Alma, Limpopo , un sat din provincia Limpopo din Africa de Sud

Statele Unite ale Americii

§ Alma, Alabama

§ Alma, Arkansas

§ Alma, California , un oraş-fantomă din Santa Clara, California

§ Alma, Colorado

§ Alma, Georgia

§ Alma, Illinois

§ Alma, Kansas

§ Alma, Louisiana

§ Alma, Michigan

§ Alma, Missouri

§ Alma, Nebraska

§ Alma, New Mexico

§ Alma, New York

§ Alma, Texas

§ Alma, Wisconsin , un oraş în Buffalo

§ Alma, Buffalo County, Wisconsin , un oraş în Buffalo

§ Alma, Jackson County, Wisconsin , un oraş în Jackson County

§ Alma Center, Wisconsin , un sat în Jackson County

§ Alma Cogan (1932-1966), cântăreaţă pop britanic din anii 1950 şi '60

§ Alma Guillermoprieto (n. 1949), jurnalist mexican

§ Alma Mahler-Werfel (1879-1964), soţia lui Gustav Mahler, Walter Gropius, Franz Werfel şi obiectul unui cântec de Tom Lehrer

§ Alma Martinez (n. 1981), fotbalist Mexican de sex feminin

§ Alma Moodie (1898-1943), violonist australian

§ Alma Reville (1899-1982), soţia lui Alfred Hitchcock, director adjunct, scenarist şi editor

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