Dresajul cainelui – Invatarea supunerii

Un caine bine dresat si ascultator, iti aduce cele mai marisatisfactii. El este cel mai bun prieten al tau. Nu conteaza cumarati sau ce fel de talente si abilitati ai sau nu ai. Cainele taute va iubi in totalitate si fara prejudecati, precum ca esti demnsau ca nu esti demn de dragostea si devotamentul lui.

Zilele acestea am vazut pe un tricou scris " Doamne ajuta-ma sa fiu
perfect, precum cainele meu crede ca sunt." Perfect!

Daca vrei ca cainele tau sa te adore, atunci trebuie sa ai un caine
care sa ti se supuna. Dresajul supunerii, chiar daca este "predat"
de catre un profesionist sau un amator acasa, nu este optional.
Daca vrei un caine bun, atunci trebuie sa fi sigur ca el este
ascultator doar de dragul tau si de public in general.

Dresajul supunerii sau ascultarii, se incepe de obicei prin a
invata cainele sa mearga in lesa, la picior.  Sunt sigur ca ati
vazut caini care trageau de lesa intr-o parte si in alta cat era de
mare firul lesei. Acei caini nu sunt dresati sa mearga in "lesa"
(sau cum se mai spune , la picior).

Primul avertisment pe care intotdeauna il dau este ca gulerul care
il folositi, sa se potriveasca pefect pe gatul cainelui. Nu
folosesc gulere care sa-i stranga de gat, nu le recomand. Ideea
este sa inveti cainele sa mearga la picior si nu sa ii ranesti.

Daca doresti sa te bucuri cat mai mult de prietenul tau patruped ,
si sa folosesti o metoda de dresaj care il face sa te respecte in loc
sa ii fie frica de tie atunci urmeaza linkul urmator

Top 10 Intelligent Animals

01. Grey parrot is considered to be a very intelligent bird. This kind of parrot is striking in its intelligence and loyalty. Thus, the parrot, Alex, who is engaged to an American scientist Irene Papperberg the University of Arizona, distinguishes 50 different objects. And fluent and able to logically explain the distinction between different objects.  

02. Pig has an excellent memory, and intuition, they respond his name and understand the value of some other words. They have a complex social structure, and they better decide on thinking tests than some primates.

03. Elephants are very intelligent and emotional creatures. They grieve for the dead relatives and sometimes can recognize them on the tusk and skull. They lie for days in the dead relatives, until they begin to decompose.

04. Sea lions also are animals who can think logically. Seven-year sea lion Rio proved the existence of logical thinking by means of special tests, which determined that if a = b and b = c, then a = c.

05. Chimpanzees are well known for its ability to think. Recently it became known that they even plan their future, in advance considering their next steps.

06. The dog has long been considered man's best friend and a very intelligent animal. Dogs can learn up to 300 words, his mind is compared with the mind year-old child. (Dave-F)

07. Crows have the largest brain size among birds. They know how to think, learn and feel emotions. They are very resourceful and can even pick the right tool to perform a particular operation.

08. According to scientists, African baboons in terms of behavior similar to a person. They have complex social systems, they may experience stress and are able to think abstractly. (Chi King)

09. Ants have been very crafty creatures. They gather in huge groups and take to their smaller population to make them slaves. They also know how to navigate by the sun. (Brian.gratwicke)

10. Dolphins are one of the few animals on earth who can recognize themselves in the mirror. They know who their mother, the leader of their group and relate differently to their relatives. (La Prima Donna)

Caine tine ostatic om pentru recompensa. Ajutor!

Suntem foarte suparati pe stapanul nostru pentru ca petrece prea mult timp pe
calculator pregatind cartea .  

Ne scoate la plimbare doar o singura data pe zi si nu ne primim mancarea
la timp.
Pretul pentru rascumpararea sa e sa mergi pe siteul lui ca sa il putem dezlipi
pentru mai mult timp de la calculator si sa ne jucam cu el.
Am pus mana pe calculatorul lui si prietenul meu cel mai bun Spyke,
ii pazeste telefonul asa ca nu incercati sa il sunati .
Pentru dezabonare foloseste linkul de mai jos unde scrie unsubscribe

A Match of Man and Goose

Man and Maria the Goose Become Unlikely Friends
Dominic Ehrler, 65, a retired investor, befriended a goose that began following him around Echo Park ten months ago and she now meets him every day at 8 a.m., reports LA Times
“When she first started following me around like a dog I got goose bumps,” Ehrler said. “David Foster, one of the parks people here, finally introduced me to her. He said, ‘You know you’re being stalked! Her name is Maria.’” 04 more images after the break...

Man and Maria the Goose Become Unlikely Friends
Ever since then Maria greets Ehrler when he rides his bright red motor scooter down the hill from his Figueroa Terrace condo and then she leads him around the lake as Ehrler pulls out a bag of tortillas retrieved from a store trash bin and feeds the park’s other geese.
Ehrler said Maria is very protective and will peck and bite at strangers who come too close to him. He said their daily encounters end with him riding off on his scooter and her following closely in the air until he circles back to the park and delays her with a fence.

Man and Maria the Goose Become Unlikely Friends
Ehrler said he will follow Maria if the city follows through on plans to relocate her and the park’s other geese while Echo Park is renovated.
“They’re supposed to collect the birds and truck them to another lake. I plan to follow her there, because when you have a friend like this you don’t want to lose her,” he said.

Man and Maria the Goose Become Unlikely Friends
Man and Maria the Goose Become Unlikely Friends
Via — 1 2

[ VIDEO ] My dog can Skype!

 Uite un film pe youtube care m-a facut sa zambesc.

Pe langa ca ii subestimam pe prietenii nostri patrupezi ma si ingrijoreaza putin ...cine stie in ce scop o vor folosi in viitor .  Sper sa iti placa :) 

Cat With Eyebrows

Sam the cat has only one expression thanks to his 'eyebrows' - worried, His good humoured owner has posted 50 pictures of him online which have earned him worldwide internet fame.  He may have nine lives, but thanks to his unusual fur markings, Sam the cat has only one expression - worried.  The mystified moggy has become an internet sensation after his owner set up a page dedicated to him and his 'eyebrows'.  The feline, believed to be from New York, has more than 10,000 followers on picture sharing site Instagram, with his quizzical expression earning him world wide fame.
Meet Sam the cat whose funny black hair has made him an internet hit
Sam the cat has become an internet hit thanks to his furr-owed brow and unfortunate hair markings. 06 more images after the break...

Meet Sam the cat whose funny black hair has made him an internet hit
If the saying is to be believed Sam may have nine lives, but he has just one expression - worried.

Meet Sam the cat whose funny black hair has made him an internet hit
The unusual fur markings, which make it appear as if he has eyebrows, have provoked much hilarity online from his many followers
The two black marks on his forehead give him a range of expressions that is wider than that of his feline friends, who usually reserve expressions of disdain for their owners.  
Sam's owner started the Instagram account which features almost 50 photos of the interestingly marked pet.
The photos instantly became popular on the account named, 'samhaseyebrows,'  with his owner stating in the biography: 'Sam This is Sam. He has eyebrows.'
The pictures of the cat quickly became an Internet sensation, spreading from Instagram to Twitter and Facebook.
Even Sam looks surprised by his new found fame.

Meet Sam the cat whose funny black hair has made him an internet hit
But Sam looks less than impressed with his owner's sense of humour. In fact, he looks a little worried.

Meet Sam the cat whose funny black hair has made him an internet hit
Even while relaxing before bed, Sam cannot wipe the expression off his face.

Meet Sam the cat whose funny black hair has made him an internet hit
Sam the cat clearly does not share his owner's good sense of humour, and seems to find the whole affair rather... worrying.

Meet Sam the cat whose funny black hair has made him an internet hit
The rare and unusual markings are caused by dark spots in his pure white fur
Quirky cats have long been an internet favourite.
In 2011, the web was flooded with pictures of people's cats that 'looked like Hitler' thanks to their unusual fur markings.
Last year a bizarre trend for posting pictures of cat's faces encased in bread emerged.
A Facebook group dedicated to dressing cats in bread, and promoted by blogs across the internet, earned more than 10,000 followers.
2012 also saw plans for the world's first Internet Cat Video Film Festival, which featured home videos of cats doing 'adorable activities.'
Via — Link

ALMA - " explicatie " a substantivului

Alma se poate referi la:


Bătălia de la Alma , 1854, bătălia de la Războiul Crimeii.


mass-media de imprimare :Alma (roman) , un roman din 1922 semnat Oswald de Andrade ; Alma , o drama de Joshua Sobol despre Alma Mahler-Werfel ; Alma Cogan (roman) , un roman 1991 de către Gordon Burn,;ALMA Magazine , revista de limba spaniolă pentru comunitatea hispanica din SUA , Alma, Astrid Lindgren -Premiul Memorial , iar in mass-media vizuală : ALMA Awards , premii SUA pentru artiştii interpreţi sau executanţi Latine,Alma, jocuri video Ninja Gaiden, Alma Geri , un personaj din telenovela Coronation Street, Alma Hodge , personaj din telenovela Desperate Housewives, Alma Wade , un antagonist de la jocul FEAR ,Alma Pater , o piesă Yellowchair .


§ Almas (criptozoologie) , un nume mongol pentru omul sălbatic (singular), o specie cryptozoological

§ Alma-0 , un limbaj de programare

§ Tropical Storm Alma , nume de ciclon tropical

§ Un nume pentru măr sălbatic, malus sieversii , din Kazahstan .

§ Atacama Large Array milimetrice


§ Alma College , un privat, colegiu de arte liberale în Alma, Michigan

§ Alma College (St Thomas) , colegiu de arte liberale în Canada

§ Alma Mater , un termen de mediul academic


§ Alma , o parte din Cartea lui Mormon

§ Alma cel Bătrân , în Carti de Mosiah si Alma, o parte din Cartea lui Mormon

§ Alma cel Tânăr , fiul lui Alma cel Bătrân, în Cartea lui Mormon


§ Alma (1891) , un clădire ,acum conservata ,în San Francisco, California

§ Alma (auto ) , o inter-război francez-german pe piata de automobile

§ Alma aburi Motors , un automobil cu aburi american construit în 1938

§ ALMA de Mexico (Alma Aerolíneas Mesoamericanas), o companie aeriană cu sediul în mexican Guadalajara, Mexic


§ Mare Atacama Milimetri Array , o serie de telescoape radio din Chile

§ Asociaţia Difuzor Manufacturing & Acustică International , o organizaţie profesională

§ Adoptati "Libertatea de circulaţie Asociaţia AKA Societatea Alma, grup de sprijin

§ Arnaud Legoux o medie mobilă inspirat de filtru gaussiană



§ Alma, Victoria , un oraş minier în Victoria, Australia

§ Port Alma, Queensland , un port australian în Queensland


§ Alma, New Brunswick , un sat de pescari în Golful Fundy

§ Alma, Nova Scotia , un mic sat

§ Alma, Ontario , un mic sat

§ Alma, Quebec , un oraş

§ Lacul Alma, Saskatchewan , un sat


§ Alma Bridge , un pod dedicat Bătălia de la Alma din Paris, Franţa

§ Râul Alma (Ucraina) , site-ul de 1854 Bătălia de la Alma în Războiul Crimeii

§ Piaţa Alma, Scarborough, North Yorkshire , Anglia


§ Alma, Israel , Galileea


§ Almaty , cunoscută anterior ca "Alma-Ata".


§ Alma, Liban

Noua Zeelandă

§ Râul Alma, Noua Zeelandă

§ Alma, Noua Zeelandă , o localitate mică


§ Alma, Palestina , un sat depopulat în 1948


§ Alma, Sibiu , o localitate în judeţul Sibiu

Africa de Sud

§ Alma, Limpopo , un sat din provincia Limpopo din Africa de Sud

Statele Unite ale Americii

§ Alma, Alabama

§ Alma, Arkansas

§ Alma, California , un oraş-fantomă din Santa Clara, California

§ Alma, Colorado

§ Alma, Georgia

§ Alma, Illinois

§ Alma, Kansas

§ Alma, Louisiana

§ Alma, Michigan

§ Alma, Missouri

§ Alma, Nebraska

§ Alma, New Mexico

§ Alma, New York

§ Alma, Texas

§ Alma, Wisconsin , un oraş în Buffalo

§ Alma, Buffalo County, Wisconsin , un oraş în Buffalo

§ Alma, Jackson County, Wisconsin , un oraş în Jackson County

§ Alma Center, Wisconsin , un sat în Jackson County

§ Alma Cogan (1932-1966), cântăreaţă pop britanic din anii 1950 şi '60

§ Alma Guillermoprieto (n. 1949), jurnalist mexican

§ Alma Mahler-Werfel (1879-1964), soţia lui Gustav Mahler, Walter Gropius, Franz Werfel şi obiectul unui cântec de Tom Lehrer

§ Alma Martinez (n. 1981), fotbalist Mexican de sex feminin

§ Alma Moodie (1898-1943), violonist australian

§ Alma Reville (1899-1982), soţia lui Alfred Hitchcock, director adjunct, scenarist şi editor

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