[ FOTO ] 1500 Dogs and 200 Cats !!!

Chinese Ha Venin (Ha Wenjin) for the love of animals sacrificed everything she had, but did not regret about it. In order to take care of our younger brothers, she left her job, sold her house, car and jewelry, and now in her care are 1,500 dogs and 200 cats. Of course, one cope with such a horde tailed virtually impossible because of the cats being wooed by two with 10 employees.
Several years ago, the contents of the shelter costs $ 37,500 a year, but with the onset of the economic crisis, costs have almost doubled. Now shelter exists mainly through donations and sponsorship.



The giant animals — Strange project of a Chinese artist.

[ FOTO ] World's most expensive sheep sold

A sheep is believed to have become the world's most expensive after selling for £231,000. Deveronvale Perfection, bred in Banffshire, was bought by a fellow local sheep farmer at a sale in Lanark. The tup lamb will be used for breeding in the hope of more than recouping the purchase price. The UK's previous most expensive sheep, Tophill Joe, was bought for £128,000 six years ago. He died recently after fathering lambs worth more than £1m.


Jimmy Douglas said Deveronvale Perfection had a good body Graham Morrison's eight-month old lamb Deveronvale Perfection was sold to Jimmy Douglas. The high price has been put down to the lamb's strong physical attributes. Seller Mr Morrison said the price was beyond his "wildest dreams". However, he said the sheep lived up to his name and was indeed "perfection". New owner Mr Douglas said the Texel sheep was as good as he had seen, with a good body. Deveronvale Perfection could also eventually have his semen sold.
Via :Link

[ VIDEO ] Two Side Leg Dog

[ FOTO ] Amazing Animal

It’s an email from a friend.
Unbelievable Technicians at Shuwaikh car repair shops were having a normal day at work, when suddenly a nervous looking LION came out of no where…seemingly hungry because of how skinny his body looks. Workers freaked out, jumping over each other, some locking themselves up in cars, some in the offices, and some just ran away…but one brave guy took the picture of this Lion without making a sound….and there was the SHOCK when the Lion turned around…nobody could believe it….

Turns out it’s their Indian co-worker’s dog. He shaved the dog in such a way to look like a Lion.

[ FOTO ] Holy Cow Born With White Cross On Forehead

A "Holy Cow" Moses was born last week at a dairy farm in Sterling, Connecticut. Moses was born with an unique "birthmark" that looks like a white cross on its forehead.

His owner, Brad Davis, told WFSB-TV he thought the marking may be a message from above, though he is still trying to worl out what that message might be. Ric Grummer, the chairman of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Dairy Science, told the Norwich Bulletin newspaper it is not unusual for a Holstein cow to have a white marking on its head.

I am quite sure that Moses won't become the dishes on dining table in its entire life due to its white cross.
Via Link

[ FOTO ] Holy Cow

It seems that a farmer by the name of Jia Kebing noticed a small bump on his cow’s forehead when it was born. Little did he know that the small bump would grow to become an 8” horn. It is truly a unicorn cow.

ALMA - " explicatie " a substantivului

Alma se poate referi la:


Bătălia de la Alma , 1854, bătălia de la Războiul Crimeii.


mass-media de imprimare :Alma (roman) , un roman din 1922 semnat Oswald de Andrade ; Alma , o drama de Joshua Sobol despre Alma Mahler-Werfel ; Alma Cogan (roman) , un roman 1991 de către Gordon Burn,;ALMA Magazine , revista de limba spaniolă pentru comunitatea hispanica din SUA , Alma, Astrid Lindgren -Premiul Memorial , iar in mass-media vizuală : ALMA Awards , premii SUA pentru artiştii interpreţi sau executanţi Latine,Alma, jocuri video Ninja Gaiden, Alma Geri , un personaj din telenovela Coronation Street, Alma Hodge , personaj din telenovela Desperate Housewives, Alma Wade , un antagonist de la jocul FEAR ,Alma Pater , o piesă Yellowchair .


§ Almas (criptozoologie) , un nume mongol pentru omul sălbatic (singular), o specie cryptozoological

§ Alma-0 , un limbaj de programare

§ Tropical Storm Alma , nume de ciclon tropical

§ Un nume pentru măr sălbatic, malus sieversii , din Kazahstan .

§ Atacama Large Array milimetrice


§ Alma College , un privat, colegiu de arte liberale în Alma, Michigan

§ Alma College (St Thomas) , colegiu de arte liberale în Canada

§ Alma Mater , un termen de mediul academic


§ Alma , o parte din Cartea lui Mormon

§ Alma cel Bătrân , în Carti de Mosiah si Alma, o parte din Cartea lui Mormon

§ Alma cel Tânăr , fiul lui Alma cel Bătrân, în Cartea lui Mormon


§ Alma (1891) , un clădire ,acum conservata ,în San Francisco, California

§ Alma (auto ) , o inter-război francez-german pe piata de automobile

§ Alma aburi Motors , un automobil cu aburi american construit în 1938

§ ALMA de Mexico (Alma Aerolíneas Mesoamericanas), o companie aeriană cu sediul în mexican Guadalajara, Mexic


§ Mare Atacama Milimetri Array , o serie de telescoape radio din Chile

§ Asociaţia Difuzor Manufacturing & Acustică International , o organizaţie profesională

§ Adoptati "Libertatea de circulaţie Asociaţia AKA Societatea Alma, grup de sprijin

§ Arnaud Legoux o medie mobilă inspirat de filtru gaussiană



§ Alma, Victoria , un oraş minier în Victoria, Australia

§ Port Alma, Queensland , un port australian în Queensland


§ Alma, New Brunswick , un sat de pescari în Golful Fundy

§ Alma, Nova Scotia , un mic sat

§ Alma, Ontario , un mic sat

§ Alma, Quebec , un oraş

§ Lacul Alma, Saskatchewan , un sat


§ Alma Bridge , un pod dedicat Bătălia de la Alma din Paris, Franţa

§ Râul Alma (Ucraina) , site-ul de 1854 Bătălia de la Alma în Războiul Crimeii

§ Piaţa Alma, Scarborough, North Yorkshire , Anglia


§ Alma, Israel , Galileea


§ Almaty , cunoscută anterior ca "Alma-Ata".


§ Alma, Liban

Noua Zeelandă

§ Râul Alma, Noua Zeelandă

§ Alma, Noua Zeelandă , o localitate mică


§ Alma, Palestina , un sat depopulat în 1948


§ Alma, Sibiu , o localitate în judeţul Sibiu

Africa de Sud

§ Alma, Limpopo , un sat din provincia Limpopo din Africa de Sud

Statele Unite ale Americii

§ Alma, Alabama

§ Alma, Arkansas

§ Alma, California , un oraş-fantomă din Santa Clara, California

§ Alma, Colorado

§ Alma, Georgia

§ Alma, Illinois

§ Alma, Kansas

§ Alma, Louisiana

§ Alma, Michigan

§ Alma, Missouri

§ Alma, Nebraska

§ Alma, New Mexico

§ Alma, New York

§ Alma, Texas

§ Alma, Wisconsin , un oraş în Buffalo

§ Alma, Buffalo County, Wisconsin , un oraş în Buffalo

§ Alma, Jackson County, Wisconsin , un oraş în Jackson County

§ Alma Center, Wisconsin , un sat în Jackson County

§ Alma Cogan (1932-1966), cântăreaţă pop britanic din anii 1950 şi '60

§ Alma Guillermoprieto (n. 1949), jurnalist mexican

§ Alma Mahler-Werfel (1879-1964), soţia lui Gustav Mahler, Walter Gropius, Franz Werfel şi obiectul unui cântec de Tom Lehrer

§ Alma Martinez (n. 1981), fotbalist Mexican de sex feminin

§ Alma Moodie (1898-1943), violonist australian

§ Alma Reville (1899-1982), soţia lui Alfred Hitchcock, director adjunct, scenarist şi editor

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